This simple exercise is a form of 'qigong'. If practice daily for 30 min will lead to good health, good sleep and weight lost. It also claimed if the exercise is practice religiously, it can cure many illness like tumor, cancer, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, heart disease, liver cirrhosis, ulcer, insommia, depression, obesity and others (see videos and sources).
How to practice
Swing at least 10 minutes each time (about 500), one day three time.
It is better to swing for 30 minutes each time.
After exercise, drink a cup of warm water, it helps in the energy and blood circulation.
Action note
1. 雙腳與肩同寬,平行站立,呼吸自然。雙手舉至胸前,與地面平行,掌心朝下。 (圖A)
Stand straight with legs shoulder-width apart, breathe naturally. Hands move to the front, parallel with the ground, palm facing downwards. (A)
2. 然後讓手像鐘擺似的自然往後甩,甩到哪裡算哪裡,保持放鬆,不要刻意用, 力往後抬。 甩到舒服的位置,利用慣性,把手甩回胸前。雙手輕鬆打直,保持平行,五指微微舒展。圖B)
Swing the arm naturally like a pendulum in a relax manner, no deliberate use of strength. Swing back and forth with hands slightly stretch and in balance.(B)
3. 甩到第五下,手往後甩的同時雙膝微微下蹲,輕鬆的上下彈動兩次。(圖C)
After every five swings bend the knee gently twice while continuing to swing. (C)
Principle of Practice
1. 腳踏實地。
Down to earth.
2. 雙手在前面始終擺平。
Both hands in front always in balance.
3. 左右平衡。
Left right balance.
4. 手不必刻意往後甩,每次讓它自然落下來即可。 平甩的特點,從一開始就養成不取巧的態度。
Hands do not have to swing deliberately, let it came naturally to you. Adopt a serious attitude towards the exercise.
5. 每甩到第五下,膝蓋保持彈性,蹲兩下。
After every five swing, gently bend the knee twice to maintain knee flexibility.
6. 蹲的時候,視個人放鬆狀況,可高蹲亦可低蹲。
When squatting, depending on the individual degree of relaxation, can be high or low squat.
7. 速度不要快,始終保持輕鬆,否則甩快了反而會有緊繃之感。
Do not speed, always maintain a relaxed pace, otherwise there will be a sense of tension.
8. 每日至少三十分鐘,以十分鐘為一個單位來緩衝初步練習時,可能產生的四肢酸麻的現象。
At least 30 minutes a day, 10 minutes per practice, to cushion the possible four limbs aching effect.
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